Bianisotropic Photonic Metamaterials
- Autor: C.E. Kriegler, M.S. Rill, S. Linden, and M. Wegener
- Quelle: IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 16, 367 (2010)
- Datum: 5.4.2010
In metamaterials, electric (magnetic) dipoles can be excited by the electric (magnetic) component of the incident light field. Moreover, in the description of bianisotropic metamaterials, cross terms occur, i.e., magnetic dipoles can also be excited by the electric-field component of the incident light and vice versa. For the cross terms, in the general bianisotropic case, the exciting field and dipole vectors include an arbitrary angle. For the special case of chirality, the angle is zero. In the spirit of a brief tutorial, a very simple electric-circuit description of the split-ring resonator is used to give a basic introduction to the cross terms. Mathematical details of the effective parameter retrieval are presented. Furthermore, we briefly review recent experiments on bianisotropic metamaterials operating at optical frequencies.