Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Quantitative Experimental Determination of Scattering and Absorption Cross-Section Spectra of Individual Optical Metallic Nanoantennas |
M. Husnik, S. Linden, R. Diehl, J. Niegemann, K. Busch, and M. Wegener |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 233902 (2012) |
Photorealistic ray tracing of free-space invisibility cloaks made of uniaxial dielectrics |
J.C. Halimeh and M. Wegener |
Opt. Express 20, 28330-28340 (2012) |
On metamaterial circular polarizers based on metal N-helices |
J. Kaschke, J. K. Gansel, and M. Wegener |
Opt. Express 20, 26012-26020 (2012) |
Phonon band structures of three-dimensional pentamode metamaterials | A. Martin, M. Kadic, R. Schittny, T. Bückmann, and M. Wegener |
Phys. Rev. B
(2012) |
Visible light Laue diffraction from woodpile photonic crystals |
B. Brüser, I. Staude, G. v. Freymann, M. Wegener, and U. Pietsch |
Appl. Optics 51, 6732-6737 (2012) |
On the mechanism of electrochemical modulation of plasmonic resonances |
L.-H. Shao, M. Ruther, S. Linden, M. Wegener, and J. Weissmüller |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 121109 (2012) |
Detailed optical characterization of three-dimensional visible-frequency polarization-independent carpet invisibility cloak |
Tolga Ergin, Joachim Fischer, and Martin Wegener |
Physica B 407, 4075–4077 (2012) |
Collective Effects in Second-Harmonic Generation from Split-Ring-Resonator Arrays | S. Linden, F.B.P. Niesler, J. Förstner, Y. Grynko, T. Meier, and M. Wegener | Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 015502 (2012) |
Ink-Jet-Printed Organic Semiconductor Distributed Feedback Laser |
X. Liu, S. Klinkhammer, K. Sudau, N. Mechau, C. Vannahme, J. Kaschke, T. Mappes, M. Wegener, and U. Lemmer |
Appl. Phys. Express 5, 072101 (2012) |
Metamaterial metal-based bolometers |
F.B.P. Niesler, J.K. Gansel, S. Fischbach, and M. Wegener |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 203508 (2012) |
Tailored 3D Mechanical Metamaterials Made by Dip-in Direct-Laser-Writing Optical Lithography |
T. Bückmann, N. Stenger, M. Kadic, J. Kaschke, A. Frölich, T. Kennerknecht, C. Eberl, M. Thiel, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Mater. 24, 2710 (2012) |
Fertigung von mechanischen Metamaterialien mittels Dip-in Laserlithographie | T. Bückmann, M. Kadic, M. Thiel, and M. Wegener |
Werkstoffe 4, 46-47 (2012) |
On the practicability of pentamode mechanical metamaterials | M. Kadic, T. Bückmann, N. Stenger, M. Thiel, and M. Wegener |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 191901 (2012) |
Transformieren und Tarnen | T. Ergin and M. Wegener | Physik Journal 5, 31 (2012) |
Spectral tuning of a three-dimensional photonic-bandgap waveguide signature by silica atomic-layer deposition |
I. Staude, G. von Freymann, and M. Wegener |
Opt. Mater. Express 2, 629 (2012) |
Tapered gold-helix metamaterials as improved circular polarizers |
J.K. Gansel, M. Latzel, A. Frölich, J. Kaschke, M. Thiel, and M. Wegener |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 101109 (2012) |
Von der Unsichtbarkeit zur Unhörbarkeit |
N. Stenger and M. Wegener |
Phys. Unserer Zeit, 43, 61 (2012) |
Ultrafast Polymerization Inhibition by Stimulated Emission Depletion for Three-dimensional Nanolithography | J. Fischer and M. Wegener | Adv. Mater. 24, OP65 (2012) |
Waveguides in three-dimensional photonic bandgap materials for particle-accelerator on a chip architectures | I. Staude, C. McGuinness, A. Frölich, R.L. Byer, E. Colby, and M. Wegener | Opt. Express 20, 5607 (2012) |
Experiments on Elastic Cloaking in Thin Plates |
N. Stenger, M. Wilhelm, and M. Wegener
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 014301 (2012) |
Time-of-flight imaging of invisibility cloaks | Jad C. Halimeh and Martin Wegener |
Opt. Express 20, 63 (2012) |