Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Laser-written parabolic micro-antennas for efficient photon collection | A.W. Schell, T. Neumer, Q. Shi, J. Kaschke, J. Fischer, M. Wegener, and O. Benson |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 231117 (2014) |
3D direct laser writing using a 405 nm diode laser | P. Mueller, M. Thiel, and M. Wegener |
Opt. Lett. 39, 6847-6850 (2014) |
Spectroscopic studies of resonant coupling of silver optical antenna arrays to a near-surface quantum well | M. Gehl, S. Zandbergen, R. Gibson, M. Béchu, N. Nader, J. Hendrickson, J. Sears, P. Keiffer, M. Wegener, and G. Khitrova |
J. Opt. 16, 114016 (2014) |
Exploring the Mechanisms in STED-Enhanced Direct Laser Writing | J. Fischer, J.B. Mueller, A.S. Quick, J. Kaschke, C. Barner-Kowollik, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Optical Mater. 3, 221-232 (2015) |
Im Nebel perfekt getarnt | R. Schittny, T. Bückmann, and M. Wegener | Physik in unserer Zeit 45, 214–215 (2014) |
Polymerization Kinetics in Three-Dimensional Direct Laser Writing | J.B. Mueller, J. Fischer, F. Mayer, M. Kadic, and M. Wegener | Adv. Mater. 26, 6566-6571 (2014) |
Tapered N-helical metamaterials with three-fold rotational symmetry as improved circular polarizers | J. Kaschke, M. Blome, S. Burger, and M. Wegener | Opt. Express 22, 19936-19946 (2014) |
Pentamode metamaterials with independently tailored bulk modulus and mass density | M. Kadic, T. Bückmann, R. Schittny, P. Gumbsch, and M. Wegener | Phys. Rev. Applied 2, 054007 (2014) |
Photo-Induced Functionalization of Spherical and Planar Surfaces via Caged Thioaldehyde End-Functional Polymers | M. Kaupp, A.S. Quick, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, A. Welle, V. Trouillet, O. Pop-Georgievski, M. Wegener, and C. Barner-Kowollik |
Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 5649–5661 (2014) |
Frequency-Resolved Reciprocal-Space Mapping of Visible Spontaneous Emission from 3D Photonic Crystals | A. Frölich, J. Fischer, C. Wolff, K. Busch, and M. Wegener | Adv. Optical Mater. 2, 849-853 (2014) |
An elasto-mechanical unfeelability cloak made of pentamode metamaterials | T. Bückmann, M. Thiel, M. Kadic, R. Schittny, and M. Wegener | Nat. Commun. 5, 4130 (2014) |
Hybrid 2D–3D optical devices for integrated optics by direct laser writing | M. Schumann, T. Bückmann, N. Gruhler, M. Wegener, and W. Pernice | Light: Science & Applications 3, e175 (2014); doi:10.1038/lsa.2014.56 |
Invisibility cloaking in a diffusive light scattering medium | R. Schittny, M. Kadic, T. Bückmann, and M. Wegener |
Science 345, 427-429 (2014) |
Fabrication and Spatially Resolved Functionalization of 3D Microstructures via Multiphoton-Induced Diels–Alder Chemistry | A.S. Quick, H. Rothfuss, A. Welle, B. Richter, J. Fischer, M. Wegener, and C. Barner-Kowollik | Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 3571-3580 (2014) |
On three-dimensional dilational elastic metamaterials | T. Bückmann, R. Schittny, M. Thiel, M. Kadic, G.W. Milton, and M. Wegener | New J. Phys. 16, 033032 (2014) |
Matter made to order |
J. Fischer, M. Thiel, and M. Wegener |
IEEE Spectrum 51, 34-58 (2014) |
Observation of unusual absorption and scattering cross-section line shapes of individual optical double-wire antennas |
S. Weitemeyer, M. Husnik, and M. Wegener |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 031111 (2014) |
Broadband terahertz generation from metamaterials | L. Luo, I. Chatzakis, J. Wang, F.B.P. Niesler, M. Wegener, T. Koschny, and C.M. Soukoulis | Nat. Commun. 5, 3055 (2014) |
Physikalische Tarnkappen |
R. Schittny and M. Wegener |
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Januar 2014, S. 80 |