Three-Dimensional Invisibility Cloak at Optical Wavelengths
Scientists at KIT realize optical invisibility cloak.

A three-dimensional invisibility-cloaking structure operating at optical
wavelengths based on transformation optics has been designed and realized. Our blueprint uses a woodpile photonic crystal with tailored polymer filling fraction to hide a bump in a gold reflector. Structures and controls are fabricated by direct laser writing and characterized by simultaneous high-numerical-aperture far-field optical microscopy and spectroscopy. Cloaking operation with large bandwidth of unpolarized
light from 1.4- to 2.7-µm wavelength is demonstrated for viewing
angles up to 60 degrees.
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Title | Authors | Source |
Three-Dimensional Invisibility Cloak at Optical Wavelengths | T. Ergin, N. Stenger, P. Brenner, J.B. Pendry, and M. Wegener | Science 328, 337 (2010) |