STED-Inspired Laser Lithography Based on Photoswitchable Spirothiopyran Moieties
P. Müller, R. Müller, L. Hammer, C. Barner-Kowollik, M. Wegener, and E. Blasco
Chem. Mater. 31, 1966-1972 (2019)
- Date: 15.01.2019
We introduce a photoresist based on methacrylate copolymers bearing photochromic spirothiopyran moieties as side groups that can crosslink via supramolecular interaction between the chromophores. Upon two-photon excitation, the resist is capable of generating freestanding three-dimensional structures and offers an inhibition channel, which allows for stimulated-emission depletion-inspired laser lithography. Reversible inhibition, linewidth narrowing, and resolution enhancement are demonstrated.