Title | Authors | Source | Date |
Experimental observation of roton-like dispersion relations in metamaterials | J.A.I. Martínez, M.F. Groß, Y. Chen, T. Frenzel, V. Laude, M. Kadic, M. Wegener |
Sci. Adv. 7, eabm2189 (2021) |
1.12.2021 |
Fused-Silica 3D Chiral Metamaterials via Helium-Assisted Microcasting Supporting Topologically Protected Twist Edge Resonances with High Mechanical Quality Factors | J. Köpfler, T. Frenzel, J. Schmalian, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Mater. 2103205 (2021) |
16.08.2021 |
Cubic metamaterial crystal supporting broadband isotropic chiral phonons | Y. Chen, T. Frenzel, Q. Zhang, M. Kadic, and M. Wegener |
Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 025201 (2021) |
3.02.2021 |
Atomic scale displacements detected by optical image cross-correlation analysis and 3D printed marker arrays | T. Frenzel, J. Köpfler, A. Naber, and M. Wegener |
Sci. Rep. 11, 2304 (2021) |
27.01.2021 |
Large characteristic lengths in 3D chiral elastic metamaterials | T. Frenzel, V. Hahn, P. Ziemke, J.L.G. Schneider, Y. Chen, P. Kiefer, P. Gumbsch, and M. Wegener |
Commun Mater. 2, 4 (2021) |
4.01.2021 |
Mapping acoustical activity in 3D chiral mechanical metamaterials onto micropolar continuum elasticity | Y. Chen, T. Frenzel, S. Guenneau, M. Kadic, and M. Wegener |
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 137, 103877 (2020) |
15.01.2020 |
Rapid Assembly of Small Materials Building Blocks (Voxels) into Large Functional 3D Metamaterials | V. Hahn, P. Kiefer, T. Frenzel, J. Qu, E. Blasco, C. Barner‐Kowollik, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Funct. Mater. 1907795 (2020) |
22.01.2020 |
The Rise of (Chiral) 3D Mechanical Metamaterials | J. Reinbold, T. Frenzel, A. Münchinger, and M. Wegener |
Materials 12, 3527 (2019) |
28.10.2019 |
Tailoring the characteristic length scale of 3D chiral mechanical metamaterials | P. Ziemke, T. Frenzel, M. Wegener, and P. Gumbsch |
Extreme Mech. Lett. 100553 (2019); doi:10.1016/j.eml.2019.100553 |
13.09.2019 |
Ultrasound experiments on acoustical activity in chiral mechanical metamaterials | T. Frenzel, J. Köpfler, E. Jung, M. Kadic, and M. Wegener |
Nat. Commun. 10, 3384 (2019) |
29.07.2019 |
Topologically Protected Twist Edge States for a Resonant Mechanical Laser-Beam Scanner | J. Köpfler, T. Frenzel, M. Kadic, J. Schmalian, and M. Wegener |
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 034059 (2019) |
25.03.2019 |
New Twists of 3D Chiral Metamaterials | I. Fernandez‐Corbaton, C. Rockstuhl, P. Ziemke, P. Gumbsch, A. Albiez, R. Schwaiger, T. Frenzel, M. Kadic, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Mater. 1807742 (2019) |
21.02.2019 |
Static chiral Willis continuum mechanics for three-dimensional chiral mechanical metamaterials | M. Kadic, A. Diatta, T. Frenzel, S. Guenneau, M. Wegener |
Phys. Rev. B 99, 214101 (2019) |
4.06.2019 |
When size matters | M. Kadic, T. Frenzel and M. Wegener |
Nat. Phys. 14, 8 (2018) |
25.9.2017 |
Three-dimensional mechanical metamaterials with a twist | T. Frenzel, M. Kadic, and M. Wegener |
Science 358, 1072-1074 (2017) |
24.11.2017 |
Tailored Buckling Microlattices as Reusable Light-Weight Shock Absorbers | T. Frenzel, C. Findeisen, M. Kadic, P. Gumbsch, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Mater. (2016); doi:10.1002/adma.201600610 |
9.05.2016 |
Second-order nonlinear optical metamaterials: ABC-type nanolaminates | L. Alloatti, C. Kieninger, A. Froelich, M. Lauermann, T. Frenzel, K. Koehnle, W. Freude, J. Leuthold, M. Wegener, and C. Koos |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 121903 (2015) |
1.04.2015 |
Three-dimensional labyrinthine acoustic metamaterials |
T. Frenzel, J.D. Brehm, T. Bückmann, R. Schittny, M. Kadic, and M. Wegener |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 061907 (2013) |
8.08.2013 |