Title | Authors | Source | Date |
Towards in-situ diagnostics of multi-photon 3D laser printing using optical coherence tomography | R. Zvagelsky, F. Mayer, D. Beutel, C. Rockstuhl, G. Gomard, and M. Wegener |
Light: Adv. Manuf. 3, 39 (2022) |
3.08.2022 |
Multi-material multi-photon 3D laser micro- and nanoprinting | L. Yang, F. Mayer, U.H.F. Bunz, E. Blasco, and M. Wegener |
Light: Adv. Manuf. 2, 17 (2021) |
21.06.2021 |
3D printing of inherently nanoporous polymers via polymerization-induced phase separation | Z. Dong, H. Cui, H. Zhang, F .Wang, X. Zhan, F. Mayer, B. Nestler, M. Wegener, and P.A. Levkin |
Nat. Comm. 12, 247 (2021) |
11.01.2021 |
Comparison of segmentation algorithms for FIB-SEM tomography of porous polymers: Importance of image contrast for machine learning segmentation | M. Čalkovský, E. Müller, M. Meffert, N. Firman, F. Mayer, M. Wegener, and D. Gerthsen |
Mater. Charact. 171, 110806 (2021) |
3.12.2020 |
3D Two‐Photon Microprinting of Nanoporous Architectures | F. Mayer, D. Ryklin, I. Wacker, R. Curticean, M. Čalkovský, A. Niemeyer, Z. Dong, P.A. Levkin, D. Gerthsen, R.R. Schröder, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Mater. 2002044 (2020) |
30.06.2020 |
3-D Laser Nanoprinting | V. Hahn, F. Mayer, M. Thiel, and M. Wegener |
Opt. Photonics News, 28-36 (October 2019) |
20.09.2019 |
On the Schwarzschild Effect in 3D Two‐Photon Laser Lithography | L. Yang, A. Münchinger, M. Kadic, V. Hahn, F. Mayer, E. Blasco, C. Barner‐Kowollik, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Opt. Mater. 1901040 (2019) |
27.08.2019 |
Multimaterial 3D laser microprinting using an integrated microfluidic system | F. Mayer, S. Richter, J. Westhauser, E. Blasco, C. Barner-Kowollik, and M. Wegener |
Sci. Adv. 5, eaau9160 (2019) |
8.02.2019 |
On the limits of laminates in diffusive optics | S. Mannherz, A. Niemeyer, F. Mayer, C. Kern, and M. Wegener |
Opt. Express 26, 34274-34287 (2018) |
18.12.18 |
Experiments on Metamaterials with Negative Effective Static Compressibility | J. Qu, A. Gerber, F. Mayer, M. Kadic, and M. Wegener |
Phys. Rev. X 7, 041060 (2017) |
8.12.2017 |
3D Fluorescence-Based Security Features by 3D Laser Lithography | F. Mayer, S. Richter, P. Hübner, T. Jabbour, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Mater. Technol. 2, 1700212 (2017) |
21.09.2017 |
Uncloaking diffusive-light invisibility cloaks by speckle analysis | A. Niemeyer, F. Mayer, A. Naber, M. Koirala, A. Yamilov, and M. Wegener |
Opt. Lett. 42, 1998-2001 (2017) |
12.05.2017 |
Invisibility cloaking in light-scattering media | R. Schittny, A. Niemeyer, F. Mayer, A. Naber, M. Kadic, and M. Wegener |
Laser Photonics Rev. 10, 382–408 (2016) |
1.05.2016 |
Cloaking Contacts on Large-Area Organic Light-Emitting Diodes | F. Mayer, R. Schittny, A. Egel, A. Niemeyer, J. Preinfalk, U. Lemmer, and M. Wegener |
Adv. Optical Mater. 4, 740-745 (2016) |
8.02.2016 |