Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Tunable coupling of chip-scale photonic molecules via thermal actuation | S. Woska, P. Rietz, O. Karayel, und H. Kalt |
Opt. Mater. Express 11, 3194-3207 (2021) |
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Cross-sectional Kelvin probe force microscopy on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells: Influence of RbF and KF post-deposition treatment on the surface potential of the absorber layer | J. Seeger, F. Wilhelmi, J. Schundelmeier, S. Zahedi-Azad, R. Scheer, K. Schmidt, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 243901 (2020) |
Tunable photonic devices by 3D laser printing of liquid crystal elastomers | S. Woska, A. Münchinger, D. Beutel, E. Blasco, J. Hessenauer, O. Karayel, P. Rietz, S. Pfleging, R. Oberle, C. Rockstuhl, M. Wegener, und H. Kalt |
Opt. Mater. Express 10, 2928-2943 (2020) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Averaged angle-resolved electroreflectance spectroscopy on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells: Determination of buffer bandgap energy and identification of secondary phase | J. Seeger, J. Grutke, N. Weber, S. Schützhoff, X. Jin, R. Schneider, D. Gerthsen, W. Witte, D. Hariskos, O. Kiowski, M. Schweiger, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 263901 (2019) |
Temperature-dependent studies of exciton binding energy and phase-transition suppression in (Cs,FA,MA)Pb(I,Br)3 perovskites | F. Ruf, M. F. Aygüler, N. Giesbrecht, B. Rendenbach, A. Magin, P. Docampo, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
APL Materials 7, 031113 (2019) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
The Bandgap as a Moving Target: Reversible Bandgap Instabilities in Multiple-Cation Mixed-Halide Perovskite Solar Cells | F. Ruf, P. Rietz, M. F. Aygüler, I. Kelz, P. Docampo, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
ACS Energy Lett. 3 (12), 2995-3001 (2018) |
MEMS Fabry–Pérot Interferometers With Double Membrane Mirrors for Improved Mirror Parallelism | C. Huber, P. Liu, C. Krämmer, B. Stein, und H. Kalt |
J. Microelectromech. S. 27, 836-843 (2018) |
Impact of the degree of Cu-Zn order in Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cell absorbers on defect states and band tails | M. Lang, T. Renz, A. Opolka, C. Zimmermann, C. Krämmer, M. Neuwirth, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 033901 (2018) |
High Quality 3D Photonics using Nano Imprint Lithography of Fast Sol-gel Materials | O. Bar-On, P. Brenner, T. Siegle, R. Gvishi, H. Kalt, U. Lemmer, und J. Scheuer |
Sci. Rep. 8, 7833 (2018) |
Identification of Dielectric, Plasmonic, and Hybrid Modes in Metal-Coated Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators | C. Klusmann, J. Oppermann, P. Forster, C. Rockstuhl, und H. Kalt |
ACS Photonics 5, 2365–2373 (2018) |
Band-gap tuning of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cell absorbers via defined incorporation of sulphur based on a post-sulphurization process | M. Neuwirth, E. Seydel, J. Seeger, A. Welle, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 182, 158-165 (2018) |
Excitonic Nature of Optical Transitions in Electroabsorption Spectra of Perovskite Solar Cells | F. Ruf, A. Magin, M. Schultes, E. Ahlswede, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 083902 (2018) |
Robust label-free biosensing using microdisk laser arrays with on-chip references | S. F. Wondimu, M. Hippler, C. Hussal, A. Hofmann, S. Krämmer, J. Lahann, H. Kalt, W. Freude, und C. Koos |
Opt. Express 26, 3161-3173 (2018) |
Comparison of various excitation and detection schemes for dye-doped polymeric whispering gallery mode micro-lasers | T. Siegle, J. Kellerer, M. Bonenberger, S. Krämmer, C. Klusmann, M. Müller, und H. Kalt |
Opt. Express 26, 3579- 3593 (2018) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Split-disk micro-lasers: Tunable whispering gallery mode cavities | T. Siegle, M. Remmel, S. Krämmer, und H. Kalt |
APL Photonics 2, 096103 (2017) |
Electrospun polymer fiber lasers for applications in vapor sensing | S. Krämmer, F. Laye, F. Friedrich, C. Vannahme, C. L. C. Smith, A. C. Mendes, I. S. Chronakis, J. Lahann, A. Kristensen, und H. Kalt |
Adv. Opt. Mater. 5, 1700248 (2017) |
Hybridizing whispering gallery mode and plasmonic resonances in a photonic metadevice for biosensing applications | C. Klusmann, R. N. S. Suryadharma, J. Oppermann, C. Rockstuhl, und H. Kalt |
J. Opt. Soc. Am. 34, D46 - D55 (2017) (Eingeladener Artikel) |
Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of amorphous silicon carbonitride: Deposition temperature dependence of bonding structure, refractive index, mechanical stress and their aging under ambient air | C. Huber, B. Stein, und H. Kalt |
Thin Solid Films 634, 66-72 (2017) |
3-D Whispering Gallery Mode Microlasers by Direct Laser Writing and Subsequent Soft Nanoimprint Lithography | P. Brenner, O. Bar-On, T. Siegle, R. Gvishi, C. Eschenbaum, H. Kalt, J. Scheuer, und U. Lemmer |
Appl. Opt. 56, 3703-3708 (2017) |
Size-optimized polymeric whispering gallery mode lasers with enhanced sensing performance | S. Krämmer, S. Rastjoo, T. Siegle, S. F. Wondimu, C. Klusmann, C. Koos, und H. Kalt |
Opt. Express 25, 7884-7894 (2017) |
Luminescence Properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cell Absorbers: State-Filling Versus Screening of Electrostatic Potential Fluctuations | M. Lang, C. Zimmermann, C. Krämmer, T. Renz, C. Huber, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Phys. Rev. B 95, 155202 (2017) |
Morphology of multiple-selenized Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 absorber layers | M. Neuwirth, J. Seeger, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
phys. stat. solidi (b) 14, 1600163 (2017) |
Photonic molecules with a tunable inter-cavity gap | T. Siegle, S. Schierle, S. Kraemmer, B. Richter, S. F. Wondimu, P. Schuch, C. Koos, und H. Kalt |
Light Sci. Appl. 6, e16224 (2017) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
A novel multiple-selenization process for enhanced reproducibility of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells | M. Neuwirth, H. Zhou, T. Schnabel, E. Ahlswede, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 233903 (2016) |
High-Q whispering gallery microdisk resonators based on silicon oxynitride | T. Hett, S. Krämmer, U. Hilleringmann, H. Kalt, und A. Zrenner |
J. Lumin. 191, 131-134 (2016) |
Influence of the Cu Content in Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cell absorbers on order-disorder related band gap changes | M. Lang, T. Renz, N. Mathes, M. Neuwirth, T. Schnabel, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 142103 (2016) |
Highly stable solution processed metal-halide perovskite lasers on nanoimprinted distributed feedback structures | P. Brenner, M. Stulz, D. Kapp, T. Abzieher, U. W. Paetzold, A. Quintilla, I.A. Howard, H. Kalt, und U. Lemmer |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 141106 (2016) |
A switchable self-assembling and disassembling chiral system based on a porphyrin-substituted phenylalanine–phenylalanine motif | G. Charalambidis, E. Georgilis, M. K. Panda, C. E. Anson, A. K. Powell, S. Doyle, D. Moss, T. Jochum, P. N. Horton, S. J. Coles, M. Linares, D. Beljonne, J.-V. Naubron, J. Conradt, H. Kalt, A. Mitraki, A. G. Coutsolelos, und T. S. Balaban |
Nat. Commun. 7, 12657 (2016) |
Near-field assisted localization: Effect of size and filling factor of randomly distributed zinc oxide nanoneedles on multiple scattering and localization of light | M. Silies, M. Mascheck, D. Leipold, H. Kollmann, S. Schmidt, J. Sartor, T. Yatsui, K. Kitamura, M. Ohtsu, H. Kalt, E. Runge, und C. Lienau |
Appl. Phys. B 122:181 (2016) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Diffuse Electroreflectance of Thin-Film Solar Cells: Suppression of Interference-Related Lineshape Distortions | C. Krämmer, C. Huber, A. Redinger, D. Sperber, G. Rey, S. Siebentritt, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 222104 (2015) |
All-Polymer Photonic Lab-on-a-Chip Based on Whispering-Gallery Mode Microgoblet Lasers | T. Wienhold, S. Krämmer, S. F. Wondimu, T. Siegle, U. Bog, U. Weinzierl, S. Schmidt, H. Becker, H. Kalt, T. Mappes, S. Köber, und C. Koos |
Lab on a Chip 15, 3800-3806 (2015) |
Electroreflectance of thin-film solar cells: simulation and experiment | C. Huber, C. Krämmer, D. Sperber, A. Magin, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Phys. Rev. B 92, 075201 (2015) |
Densely packed microgoblet laser pairs for cross-referenced biomolecular detection | U. Bog, F. Brinkmann, S. F. Wondimu, T. Wienhold, S. Krämmer, C. Koos, H. Kalt, M. Hirtz, H. Fuchs, S. Köber, und T. Mappes |
Adv. Sci., 1500066 (2015) |
Optically controlled elastic microcavities | A. M. Flatae, M. Burresi, H. Zeng, S. Nocentini, S. Wiegele, C. Parmeggiani, H. Kalt, und D. Wiersma |
Light Sci. Appl. 4, e282 (2015) |
Epitaxial Cu2ZnSnSe4 layers by annealing of Sn/Cu/ZnSe(001) precursors on GaAs(001) | C. Krämmer, J. Sachs, L. Pfaffmann, M. Lang, C. Gao, D. Gerthsen, H. Kalt, M. Powalla, und M. Hetterich |
Thin Solid Films 582, 158–161 (2015) |
Efficient free-space read-out of WGM lasers using circular micromirrors | T. Wienhold, S. Krämmer, A. Bacher, H. Kalt, C. Koos, S. Koeber, und T. Mappes |
Opt. Express 23, 1025-1034 (2015) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Reversible band gap changes in Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 via post-annealing of finished solar cells measured by electroreflectance | C. Krämmer, C. Huber, C. Zimmermann, M. Lang, T. Schnabel, T. Abzieher, E. Ahlswede, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 , 262104 (2014) |
Assessment of crystal quality and unit cell orientation in epitaxial Cu2ZnSnSe4 layers using polarized Raman scattering | C. Krämmer, M. Lang, A. Redinger, J. Sachs, C. Gao, H. Kalt, S. Siebentritt, und M. Hetterich |
Opt. Express 22, 28240-28246 (2014) |
Random-cavity lasing from electrospun polymer fiber networks | S. Wiegele, C. Vannahme, C.L.C. Smith, T. Grossmann, M. Jenne, S. Schierle, L. Jørgensen, I.S. Chronakis, A. Kristensen, und H. Kalt |
Adv. Mater. 26, 8096-8100 (2014) |
Large-scale parallel surface functionalization of goblet-type whispering gallery mode microcavity arrays for biosensing applications | U. Bog, F. Brinkmann, H. Kalt, C. Koos, T. Mappes, M. Hirtz, H. Fuchs, und S. Köber |
SMALL 10, 3863-3868 (2014) (Rückseitiges Titelbild) |
Fast electron spin resonance controlled manipulation of spin injection into quantum dots | A. Merz, J. Siller, R. Schittny, C. Krämmer, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 252401 (2014) (Empfohlener Artikel und Titelbild) |
Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells based on chemical bath deposited precursors | C. Gao, T. Schnabel, T.Abzieher, C. Krämmer, E. Ahlswede, M. Powalla, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Thin Solid Films 562, 621–624 (2014) |
Fabrication of polycrystalline Cu2ZnSnSe4 layers with strongly preferential grain orientation via selenization of Sn/Cu/ZnSe(001)/GaAs(001) structures | C. Krämmer, J. Sachs, M. Lang, L. Pfaffmann, C. Gao, D. Gerthsen, H. Kalt, M. Powalla, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 071913 (2014) |
Polarization dynamics in quantum dots: The role of dark excitons | E. Tsitsishvili und H. Kalt |
arXiv:1402.4913 (2014) |
Self-organized porphyrin arrays on surfaces: the case of hydrophilic side chains and polar surfaces | V. Rauch, J. Conradt, M. Takahashi, M. Kanesato, J.A. Wytko, Y. Kikkawa, H. Kalt, und J. Weiss |
J. Porphyr. Phthalocyanines 18, 67–75 (2014) (Eingeladener Artikel) |
Strongly confining bare core CdTe quantum dots in polymeric microdisk resonators | A. Flatae, T. Grossmann, T. Beck, S. Wiegele, und H. Kalt |
Appl. Phys. Lett. Mater. 2, 012107 (2014) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
On-chip microlasers for bimolecular detection via highly localized deposition of a multifunctional phospholipid ink | U. Bog, T. Laue, T. Grossmann, T. Beck, T. Wienhold, B. Richter, M. Hirtz, H. Fuchs, H. Kalt, und T. Mappes |
Lab on a Chip 13, 2701-2707 (2013) |
Polymeric photonic molecule super-mode lasers on silicon | T. Grossmann, T. Wienhold, U. Bog, T. Beck, C. Friedmann, H. Kalt, und T. Mappes |
Light-Sci. Appl. 2, e82 (2013) |
High-Q Polymer Resonators with Spatially Controlled Photo-Functionalization for Biosensing Applications | T. Beck, M. Mai, T. Grossmann, M. Hauser, T. Mappes, und H. Kalt |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 121108 (2013) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Direct laser writing for nanoporous liquid core laser sensors | T. Grossmann, M. B. Christiansen, J. Peterson, H. Kalt, T. Mappes, und A. Kristensen |
Opt. Express 20, 17467-17473 (2012) |
Efficient single-photon extraction from quantum-dots embedded in GaAs micro-pyramids | D. Ruelke, D. M. Schaadt, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 251101 (2012) |
Flexible coupling of high-Q goblet resonators for formation of tunable photonic molecules | T. Beck, S. Schloer, T. Grossmann, T. Mappes, und H. Kalt |
Opt. Express 20, 22012-22017 (2012) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Diode-pumped organic semiconductor microcone laser | S. Klinkhammer, T. Grossmann, K. Lüll, M. Hauser, Ch. Vannahme, T. Mappes, H. Kalt, und U. Lemmer |
IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 23, 489-491 (2011) |
Nuclear spin polarization in single self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots by electrical spin injection | P. Asshoff, G. Wüst, A. Merz, D. Litvinov, D. Gerthsen, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Phys. Rev. B 84, 125302 (2011) |
Highly Linear Self-Assembled Porphyrin Wires |
M. Koepf, J. Conradt, J. Szmytkowski, J. A. Wytko, L. Allouche, H. Kalt, T. S. Balaban, und J. Weiss |
Inorg. Chem. 50 (13), 6073–6082 (2011) |
Enhancement of the near-band-edge photoluminescence of ZnO nanowires by metal nanoparticles: the role of the metal deposition process and unintentional H incorporation |
A. Dev, J. P. Richters, J. Sartor, H. Kalt, T. Voss, und J. Gutowski |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 131111 (2011) |
Anomalous optical processes in photoluminescence from ultra-small quantum dots of ZnO |
L. M. Kukreja, P. Misra, A. K. Das, J. Sartor, und H. Kalt |
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A29, 03A120-1 (2011) |
Direct laser writing for active and passive high-Q polymer microdisks on silicon |
T. Grossmann, S. Schleede, M. Hauser, T. Beck, M. Thiel, G. v. Freymann, T. Mappes, und H. Kalt |
Opt. Express 19, 11451-11456 (2011) |
Organic solar cells incorporating buffer layers from indium doped zinc oxide nanoparticles |
A. Puetz, T. Stubhan, M. Reinhard, O. Loesch, E. Hammarberg, S. Wolf, C. Feldmann, H. Kalt, A. Colsmann, und U. Lemmer |
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 95, 579-585 (2011) |
Strongly confined, low-threshold laser modes in organic semiconductor microgoblets |
T. Grossmann, S. Klinkhammer, M. Hauser, D. Floess, T. Beck, C. Vannahme, T. Mappes, U. Lemmer, und H. Kalt |
Opt. Express 19, 10009-10016 (2011) |
Optical microcavities fabricated by DBR overgrowth of pyramidal-shaped GaAs mesas |
D. Rülke, M. Karl, D. Z. Hu, D. M. Schaadt, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
J. Crystal Growth 324, 259-262 (2011) |
A spintronic source of circularly polarized single photons |
P. Asshoff, A. Merz, H. Kalt, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 112106 (2011) |
Self-assemblies of novel magnesium porphyrins mimicking natural chlorosomal bacteriochlorophylls |
J. Szmytkowski, J. Conradt, H. Kuhn, C. M. Reddy, M. C. Balaban, T. S. Balaban und H. Kalt |
J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 8832-8839 (2011) |
Catalyst-Free Growth of Zinc Oxide Nanorod Arrays on Sputtered |
J. Conradt, J. Sartor, C. Thiele, F. Maier-Flaig, J. Fallert, H. Kalt, R. Schneider, M. Fotouhi, P. Pfundstein, V. Zibat, und D. Gerthsen |
J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 3539-3543 (2011) |
Titel | Autoren | Quelle |
Modifying growth conditions of ZnO nanorods for solar cell applications |
J. Sartor, F. Maier-Flaig, J. Conradt, J. Fallert, H. Kalt, D. Weissenberger, und D. Gerthsen |
phys. stat. solidi (c) 7, 1583 (2010) |
65 years of ZnO research - old and very recent results |
C. Klingshirn, J. Fallert, H. Zhou, J. Sartor, C. Thiele, F. Maier-Flaig und H. Kalt |
phys. stat. solidi (b) 247, 1249-1572 (2010) |
Random Lasing in Nanocrystalline ZnO Powders |
H. Kalt, J. Fallert, R. J. B. Dietz, J. Sartor. D. Schneider, und C. Klingshirn |
phys. stat. solidi (b) 247, 1448-1452 (2010) |
High-Q Conical Polymeric Microcavities |
T. Grossmann, M. Hauser, T. Beck, C. Gohn-Kreuz, M. Karl, H. Kalt, Ch. Vannahme und T. Mappes |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 013303 (2010) |
Doping and optimal electron spin polarization in n-ZnMnSe for quantum-dot spin-injection light-emitting diodes |
W. Löffler, N. Höpcke, H. Kalt, S. F. Li, M. Grün, und M. Hetterich |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 052113 (2010) |
Low-threshold conical microcavity dye lasers |
T. Grossmann, S. Schleede, M. Hauser, M. B. Christiansen, C. Vannahme, C. Eschenbaum, S. Klinkhammer, T. Beck, J. Fuchs, G. U. Nienhaus, U. Lemmer, A. Kristensen, T. Mappes, und H. Kalt |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 063304 (2010) |
Exciton spin relaxation in strongly confining semiconductor quantum dots |
E. Tsitsishvili und H. Kalt |
Phys. Rev. B 82, 195315 (2010) |